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Neuro-Connect and Transform
Jun 14

Neuro-Connect and Transform

3 Simple Steps: RELEASE – RESET – RENEW

After 25 years of the complex procedure Colonic Hydration, and years of observation on the neurotransmitter releasing chemical enhanced hormones found within the GUT – serotonin and dopamine. One thing was sure, that all diseases within the body create inflammation, which produces an acidic imbalance due to bad bacteria and a decrease in microbiome production. Due to dense nutrient food, alcohol and sugar. This creates a non-so favourable environment of acid and faecal impaction affected the mind .in our mental health leaving a chemical imbalance within the brain. Colonic Hydration is a process from within the colon. A procedure in neutralizing acid which causes disease, without disruption of the villi’s immune system and acidophilus, found within the small intestine. This stress response within the body & mind leads to depression, anxiety, negative thoughts and actions simultaneously suppressing the GUTs neurotransmitter release of serotonin and dopamine.

The GUT has 100 million neurotransmitters same as in the brain. The difference is that the GUT releases 95% of serotonin, leaving only 5% activation of serotonin (neurotransmitter) in the brain. “Welcome to the Brain-Gut Connection” the 2 have to align through activation to be at optimum mental and physical health.

Simple neutralization through osmotic dilution of the acid environment producing a state of what is seen as mucous (phlegm) throughout colonic hydration, effortlessly releases impacted faecal, during a closed colonic procedure, activating neurotransmitters to release serotonin and dopamine simultaneously within the 60 mins. colonic procedure allowing the GUTs environment to reset back to its original state. Only will the body and mind renew. After renewal the body naturally is drawn to eating nutrient rich foods. How do we know this? Simple elimination of impacted debris and phlegm increases the body’s natural response to increase production of favourable good bacteria – acidophilus and bifidus.

This book will give you the understanding to why and how to neutralize inflammation through a simple neutralization of hydration within the colon. “Dilute bowel’s content of accumulation in order to transform the “body & mind” avoid creating disease and mental instability with 3 simple steps. “start living a longer better quality of life”.